Early Childhood Education Center Renovation

The renovation of the existing facility built as a middle school will now accommodate pre-schoolers in an early childhood program. This included replacing the classroom and corridor’s original casework and lockers with new appropriately sized casework and cubbies. Existing student restrooms were gutted and reworked to be ADA-compliant with preschool-sized fixtures. The area previously occupied…

Lakewood Middle School

Overland Park, KS KC Architects assisted in the programming, design, preliminary specs, code review & construction document production for the new Lakewood Middle School. KC Architects tested the program requirements through the educational specification planning process, providing layouts & spatial requirements for each space inside the school to facilitate user functions, educational needs, and activities.…

Blue Valley School District Flexible Learning Environments

Cottonwood Point Elementary, Heartland Elementary, Blue River Elementary, Sunrise Point Elementary Reconfiguration of existing classrooms within pods to accommodate the district’s collaborative and flexible approach to learning while meeting safety and security requirements in each space. Schools included in this project: Cottonwood Point Elementary, Heartland Elementary, Blue River Elementary, Sunrise Point Elementary