Mission Valley Middle School

Shawnee, KS 2007 Mission Valley Middle School was one of seven middle school projects Kevin Cowan Architects developed for the Shawnee Mission School District during their latest bond and infrastructure improvements program. This school included a Library addition. This project included Science Classroom upgrades, Stage, and Theatrical equipment upgrades, and misc other renovations throughout the…

Morse Elementary Envelope Additions & Renovation

Overland Park, KS This project includes a complete renovation of existing exterior masonry walls that had excessive moisture and inadequate insulation. Various additions were incorporated into the design to supplement classroom storage and building access as well as enhance the exterior aesthetically. Ultimately the design solution addressed the failure of the exterior walls and also…

Early Childhood Education Center Renovation

The renovation of the existing facility built as a middle school will now accommodate pre-schoolers in an early childhood program. This included replacing the classroom and corridor’s original casework and lockers with new appropriately sized casework and cubbies. Existing student restrooms were gutted and reworked to be ADA-compliant with preschool-sized fixtures. The area previously occupied…

Indian Woods Middle School

Shawnee Mission, KS Budget: $1,200,000.00 2008 Indian Woods Middle School was one of seven middle school projects KC Architects developed for the Shawnee Mission School District during their latest bond and infrastructure improvements program. KC Architects programmed and developed educational specifications to meet the school district’s budget and facility needs. The existing small library was…

Corinthian College

Kansas City, MO KKC Architects was commissioned by Executive Hills Inc. to provide multiple renovations to the existing Office Building located at 1740 State Line in KCMO for the Corinthian College. New classrooms, labs, offices, break-out rooms, testing rooms, etc. were provided or renovated to accommodate the requirements of Corinthian College. This 3-story, $3.1 M,…